On My Desk
This is what was on my desk on Monday morning. It's now been moved into the closet so I can get to work without being distracted by cuteness. I got these at Hart's Fabric (they sell online) in Santa Cruz this past weekend. What an amazing test of will power.Here's what's really on my desk. A bomb blew up in my sewing room yesterday. I'm currently working on 3 different bags at the same time. A diaper bag, a quilted tote and a new backpack design. I've got a farmer's market on Sunday so I"m trying to stock up on some bigger stuff.
Here's how far I've gotten. They'll all be done this morning so I can get some bibs & zipper pouches made later. I'd love to finish my new table skirts too.
That fabric is way too cute, gotta love the monkeys!
Those pigs are adorable!
Wow - you must be a fast sew-er!
Doing markets and keeping up two online shops - you're amazing!
Can't wait to see what you do with that Japanese cuteness. : D
(P.S. Hi Chico!)
You're a busy girl for sure but I admire your will power. Pay no attention to the [super-cute fabrics] behind that [closet door].
Love that robot fabric! Ok....I have a question. I would like to purchase a sewing machine. I'm just starting to learn...so i need something SUPER simple. What would you (and any of your readers) recommend? Something that is easy to thread.
mama mia those new fabrics are sweet! good for you for being so focused!
Wish I had the time to create as much as you do! Looks likes a ton of fun. That fabric will be your reward, just think! By the way, I posted another pic on your FLICKR group. I made a bag from your pattern for me out of fabric I specifically ordered for the project. The other I made is a color I would never use, but may give as a gift. Hope you don't mind! Still can't decide what kind, if any button to put on the flap, any suggestions?
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