When I had a regular job, I suffered a lot of pain from my work station. The trouble seemed to subside when I left work, but it's definitely back. Overuse is the cause, but I think the way I work has been a problem too.The first step toward feeling better was my sewing table. Nick has built me a wonderful new table for my sewing machine!
The new table has rounded edges so I don't have to rest my arms on a sharp surface. This is a huge improvement over my old cabinet (it's made for the job, but is not well designed for comfort). I've also got more room to sit directly in front of the machine. The old cabinet would not allow me to sit far enough to the left, so I was always pressing my leg against a hard edge and twisting my back. This new desk is a wonderful treat and I love it. Thanks Nick!
Some other steps I've taken to avoid permanent damage to my nerves....

I picked up a new ergonomic keyboard and mouse. I have a lot of trouble at the computer, I'm hoping these will help.

This mouse helps me relax my hand a little. I tend to tense up too much and put a lot of strain on my hands.

Having married a handy woodworking type of guy myself, I'd say that's the route to take. :) The sewing table turned out really great! Nick did an awesome job. What's he going to make next for you? :)
Not only is the desk fabulous but I'm also very impressed with your oh so neat and tiddy studio. Don't good husbands come in handy sometimes?
You're lucky to have such a handy man around!
Hi, I saw by Googling "Irresistible Gifts to Knit" that you had bought one at your local Borders. I've been looking to purchase one too, and am hoping my Borders will order it for me. May I ask you how much it was? Have you made anything from it? Are you a member of the community? Thanks,
Those all look like great improvements and those crochet sleeves are cool. I'm going to have to check for them next time I'm at Joann.
Your Nick is a lot like my DH who loves to solve people's problems, even making them furniture if that helps. Handymen are the best. Your study/workspace puts mine to total shame--I am at this very moment putting off tackling the clean-up job by blogging. ;^)
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