Oh Bamboo
Today's post is all about bamboo, batting that is. I picked up a package of this stuff a while back and have finally found some time to give it a try. I have to say, I really like it. I tried another environmentally friendly batting back in January. Remember? That one was made of corn. It was alright, but ended up very thin after ironing and washing.
Lately I've been using either 100% cotton or a cotton/polyester blend. I like all cotton batting, but this bamboo batting is going to be taking 100% cotton's place at my house.
Bamboo is naturally antibacterial, a plus for many folks who suffer from allergies & such. The bamboo batting is made from 50% bamboo fiber and 50% organic cotton. I feel better using a renewable resource and a portion of the proceeds go to help support environmental and ecological initiatives. That's pretty cool. Check out the poly-fil website to read more.
It's hard to tell this apart from the 100% cotton batting. It looks and feels very similar, just softer and a tiny bit thinner.

And after washing this new quilt in the machine, I'm super happy with the weight and look. I'm a big fan of those wrinkles you get with washing and this batting offers an estimated shrinkage rate of 2-3%. I'd say that's accurate.

p.s. While I'm on the subject of environmental awareness, let's wish our Canadian friends a Happy Canada Day! The environment is one of the top 3 priorities at election time in Canada. Awesome.
I recently bought the bamboo pillow forms at JoAnns to replace some living room pillows. We've been using one since I bought it (but still haven't made a cover for it!)
thanks for the review on the bamboo. I was wondering how it well it worked.
Can you tell us where you got the green and red fabric on the left hand side of the second photo? The flower print - that is really cute!
Thanks for all the info on bamboo batting.
excellent review - thanks! And I like anything I can use a 40% coupon on;)!
That stuff looks nifty. Thanks for the review! Have you tried any of the new bamboo fabrics yet? I've been wanting to, but I haven't gotten around to it. And now I forget where I saw them.
i haven't tried that yet, but i can't wait to put it on my list! thanks for the head's up!
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