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I did it! After weeks of planning and sewing and graphics & testing, my Diana Handbag Sewing Pattern has finally made it's way into my shop. I'm super excited about this, I've seriously been planning it for a long time.Thanks so much to you ladies who volunteered to test the pattern for me too. I'm confident that it's clear and accurate at this point & there are still a few more testers out there working at it for me. Can't wait to hear what June and Heather think.
Thanks so much: Jenn, Kristi, Veronica and Jodie, your comments were all so helpful. Here are a couple of the bags that were made during the testing phase...

Now I can get back to my Hawaiian shirt frenzy that I spoke of yesterday. I went through the fabrics and found that I have 18 shirts to make!!!! ouch There's one calling my name from the cutting table right now. Better scoot.
The pattern looks great! I am sure it will be a hit!
congratulations! what a great accomplishment!
Congratulations!! This is a wonderful pattern and I was thrilled to test it. Thanks for the chance to work on such a fun project!
Congratulations on your new pattern! The test purses are so cute.
Congrats on the pattern--that IS exciting!! I'll bet it will do well.
re: coming out to CA to walk with you in the warm sunshine....I'm on the way!! You have no idea how appealing that was cold and drizzly here again today. Tired. of. it.
Smiles, Karen
I love seeing the different fabric renditions of your delightful bag pattern. I thoroughly enjoyed making mine and hope my notes and pictures made it through the email system okay for you. My mind kept changing on what fabrics to use, the first fabrics I bought had a print that was too large despite the vision in my head. I'm happy with what I finally chose to use.
Do you have any tips on publishing a pattern? Did you take photos of all the steps? I am trying to illustrate mine and it is turning out to be tons of work! I am planning to have mine printed. What programs did you use to create your layout? Thanks.
Your pattern looks AMAZING!!! :o)
Those turned out beeyoutiful! Great job gals, and great job to the pattern writer. :-)
I love all the fabric variations of the test purses! It's a great pattern - I hope you sell a million of them! : )
Thanks for letting me test this pattern. Hope you liked the way it came out!
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