Market Report
After 41/2 months off, I finally returned to the Farmer's Market scene yesterday. I had a few new things to offer, but I'm still pretty low on stock. The bounce house guys didn't show up so the traffic down the artisan aisle was very slow. We need those bounce houses! haha Anyway, I did alright (I sold one of the new bags I made last week - the blue & yellow one) and it was nice to get outside for a while. Thankfully it wasn't 100 degrees! The weather has definitely cooled down. My next official market date is the 29th, so I have some time to sew.
I'm hoping to make some new table skirts before the next market. I've been racking my brain about what color to make them so they don't scream "baby stuff" but still go with my logo and graphics. Then it came to me on Saturday morning. . . linen! Think of all of those great Japanese crafts everyone's always talking about. That nice, clean look. That's it! I'm not going to use linen, way too wrinkly, but I know I can get some nice clean looking natural fabric at JoAnn Fabrics and it won't cost me $12 a yard. I might add a little patchwork strip toward the bottom, that'll help weight them down & add a bit of color. What do you think? I've added this project to my To Do List.
After a market, I'm generally useless for the rest of the day, but it's not uncommon for me to run into my sewing room and whip up a little project before bed. Last night, after we had yummy ice cream and went shopping, I made myself a little passport sleeve. I made a muslin first, which I've only just started doing (I know, I know, go ahead and scold me), and then I made a for realz one out of some of my favorite scraps.I think it turned out just right (here's the inside). If I make them for my shop and/or the market, I'll add a snap closure or something. Now I need to get to work, the morning is flying past me.
Those new table skirts sound great! Just make sure to sew in some washer weights to keep them from blowing up on a windy day!
The market looks so like it is so much fun to do. How did the tissue cozies do?
Nice ideas for your new table coverings (and your booth looks really nice--clean and cute!)
Love the passport cover too--love those fabrics!
Smiles, Karen
Your new passport sleeve is really nice. And I like your idea about the tablecloths and adding a hem like you mentioned would be really lovely. It wouldn't take the focus from your products but it would be a great finishing touch to balance the whole vignette.
That is adorable. LOVE the passport cover. I am wishing you tons of luck with the sales! You are so talented; no luck required.
Love the Passport sleeve! I have been to my friends market fair a few weeks ago and was amazed at the amount of people there!
I can't wait to see your new table covers - I love the linen-esque fabric idea! And the patchwork at the bottom will be so you :)
ahhhh the farmer's market. i love this time of year!
I found it tough to get back into the swing of the weekly farmer's market this year. Probably because I'm preparing like mad for a big upcoming show. Hope your traffic picks up and I look forward to seeing your new table skirts.
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