As you may know, I made almost everything I could for my recent
wedding. And now that the wedding is over, I'm left with a pile of fabric scraps. I'll be using the table runners again at our UK reception, and I might make a kitchen curtain out of one of the table overlays. What should I do with the rest? I knew you guys would have some great ideas, so bring 'em on!
How about making a quilt? A soft and cuddly quilt to remember you wonderful wedding.
Yes, I would say a quilt also. A memory quilt, pillows for the couch, or a table cloth.
If it were me and I were patient, I'd save it and make quilts (or even stuffed patchwork animals of some sort) for my children to keep forever ... or start the quilt(s) now with plans to pass them on to my children eventually. I think they'd really appreciate having that memory of my wedding day.
I would definitely say a quilt must be made and I love Jody's idea of making stuffed animals for your children. You could also use them for a wall hanging (like a mini-quilt) or some sort of thank you card. Whatever you do, make sure to let us see it!
Definately a quilt or quilts :-)
I also vote for a memory quilt and maybe would also use bits here and there to make sachets for drawers.
A quilt is a great idea. I was thinking of using some fabric frames for some pictures of your wedding. Or use to cover a lamp shade.
Cant wait to see some more pictures of your big day:)
I was going to say patchwork scarves or aprons would be fun, but I want to change my answer and agree with the quilt idea. That would be such a perfect keepsake!
what a lovely idea to have a memory quilt.
LOL! I was gonna say a quilt too--you make such lovely quilts and this one would be so special to you both!
Smiles, Karen
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