I'm happy to report that I was not chosen as a juror yesterday. YAY! Although it was very interesting listening to the jury get selected, I was on the edge of my seat every time a name was called. Thank you jury duty gods! Now, back to work.
Yesterday was actually an exciting day in the end. When I got home from the Civic Center I found that my friendly neighborhood mailman had delivered a wonderful box from Canada. Isn't it great when you forget that you're expecting something and then it shows up? Yesssss. Before you gasp and exclaim what an ugly dish I've purchased, let me give you the back story. When I was growing up, we lived about 15 miles from Disneyland. Needless to say, I was lucky enough to go there quite a lot as a kid and I loved it. I mean L-O-V-E-d it. Still do. My mom used to have this dish on her knick knack table in our living room (there was even a bowl of fake grapes on that table - lol). I can remember dusting it at about the age of 8, so it really stuck in my mind. Later on in life I ended up working at Disneyland, from 1992-2006. It's sort of a huge part of my identity. So when I saw this dish in a Storque article on Etsy about a week ago, I instantly bought it. Gasp! I was so happy to find it. I know, I know, it's hideous, but the memories are so worth it. And a quick thanks to greenhearts for sending it so quickly from beautiful British Columbia!
You got a lovely conversation piece! And it sounds like it was just waiting for you! Now go find some fake grapes and you'll be set.
I like it. I do. I think it's cool that you found it and it will bring you happy memories every time you look at it--and dust it!
Smiles, Karen
I love the bowl! It's so out of the ordinary :)
I wonder what it says about me if I dont think it's hideous? LOL
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