7 Things...Thing
I was recently tagged by Shannon of Hugs and Kisses Baby Boutique, so I have to give you 7 factoids about me. Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
And here are my factoids:1. We have waaaay too many stuffed animals in our house. This one's definitely a "we" and not an "I" thing. Nick likes to blame it on me, but he has as many as I do. I don't know what our problem is, they're just so cute. We can't resist sometimes.
2. I have chronic bad hair. Yes, every day of my life pretty much. The only time my hair is presentable is the day I get it cut. I was born without the hair & makeup genes. It always looks bad no matter what I do. It didn't help that I had the Dorky Hammel cut for about 5 years as a kid. Thanks for that Mom.
3. We have too many DVD's too. This is definitely my fault. Well, not totally my fault, but mostly my DVD's. I always have a movie going while I'm sewing so they can come in handy. I blame the quantity on some guys I used to work with at Disney that I lovingly called "the Little Brothers". Accompanying them to Best Buy every Tuesday for new releases probably had an effect on the collection. I still can't find anything to watch. hmpf
4. I wear Crocs even though they're hideous. My feet are a mess and I have a hard time with shoes. I know, they're ugly as sin these Crocs, but I love them. I try not to wear them out too much, I treat them as slippers most of the time. So sue me.
5. I used to be the "Geyser Girl" for the Angels baseball team in Anaheim. I got to sit in the press box for every game and push the buttons to make those silly fountains go off for home runs & stuff. I did that job for 5 years. It was kind of fun because a lot of people thought it was such a cool job (more like boring - I'm a hockey girl). I felt like a celebrity sometimes, haha. I did make some great friends at that job, that's the best thing about it. It'll make a great story when I'm old & grey(er).
6. I ate about 10 of these cookies the other night. This is not my usual habit. I LOVE cookies, but I generally have 1 or two tiny ones. I guess all this wedding planning stuff is getting to me. I'm a sucker for the Ginger Thins from IKEA. They taste like the ginger snaps of my youth...yummy. Still, as of today, I've maintained my weight loss at 25 pounds. Bring on the cookies!
7. I don't do "fun" things. I don't ride roller coasters, I don't dance, play pool, ski...the list goes on & on. I'm no fun. I get this from my mom. Sorry.
SO now I have to bestow the honor of personal factoid research on 7 friends. Sorry folks, gotta follow the rules. Save it for a rainy day...
Good luck ladies.
Is that my name on the list? And did you know it was raining today? Didn't give me much time. :) I fear we are turning into a stuffed animal collector family (with preference for monkeys!) Your little flower girl dress turned out wonderful. I love the red gingham touch. Makes me want to sew skirts or something for my nieces.
I've done so many of these "fun fact" lists - I think you guys know more about me than I do!
LOL Your fun facts are a riot. "Ugly as sin" LOL I hear that phrase around these southern parts pretty regularly :)
Thanks so much for playing along especially since you are incredibly busy!
I wear crocs too! Have you seen the new wedge croc?
I think it's so fun to read these - I'll have to start thinking about what I'll say about me...
Oh Ginny--I think you are fun--and interesting--and fabulous! I think you and I are more alike than we know, I swear that I could have written about half your list (not the cool stuff though--geyser girl??? Yah!)
Smiles, Karen
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