A Sure Sign
I was all ready to show you how productive Nick & I were this weekend when I realized it's St. Patrick's Day! Haha, that proves how distracted I am at the moment. I'm not wearing green but I doubt I'll see any humans today anyway. Happy St. Paddy's Day, hope no one gets pinched!
Because the sun still isn't up, & I can't take any pictures, I'll have to start with what my friendly neighborhood mailman brought me last week. It was like my birthday! The first treasure was a huge surprise from my Aunt Kathy. I opened the front door to get the mail and was greeted by a box with cute monkeys printed around my name. I was very excited. Inside I found 8 monkey tumblers and a cool monkey napkin holder. Don't you love knowing that someone was thinking of you? This little package made my day for sure! Thanks so much Kathy.Another wonderful package arrived on the same day. Elizabeth Williams was the featured seller on Etsy recently and I couldn't help but make a purchase from her pretty shop. I've been searching for some jewelry for my matron of honor for weeks now & I finally found want. I think this set will look lovely with Catherine's chocolate brown dress. I love the way EliWill does her earring cards, don't you?
I also got a new set of buttons to give away with monkey orders from marajane creations. This was the 3rd order I've placed with Mary. She's super fast and her quality is excellent. I tried out a new design this time...what do you think? I like the concept, but next time I think a colored background, or a colored coffee cup. Still, these will be great when I sell my monkey cup cozies. Gotta love the mailman.
I also received this bracelet kit for the flower girl to put together at the rehearsal dinner. I think she'll enjoy that. Very pink! And this cool soap for Nick's nephew. Sweet!
I mentioned productivity, didn't I? I guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow, the sun still isn't up enough for my camera. Have a great Monday.
What fun packages you received. I love the little buttons, so adorable.
A very happy St. Patrick's Day to you!
I've never heard about being pinched on St. Patrick's Day - and yours is the second blog I've seen that made mention of it today. I guess I'm lucky to have never been pinched on this day! :)
You bought some great stuff! And the monkey tumblers are really cute.
Love the monkey tumblers.
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